Hannah Haikal

Hannah is a chartered business psychologist and coach working with corporations globally for 20+ years. A British expat and proud mum, Hannah has been living and working in Dubai for the past ten years. With core values around Freedom, Flexibility and Family, Hannah has leveraged her passion for lifelong learning and embarked on a Property Mastermind programme, to equip her with the knowledge and skill to build a UK property portfolio from abroad.

Her goal is to build high-quality, co-living spaces that address the UK housing shortage, while generating passive streams of income for the family and working a corporate job that she loves. Hannah has a trusted power team on the ground in the UK and is refining her systems and processes to scale the business, hands-off. She is also passionate about helping other busy expats get great returns on their money, without tying up their cash in long-term assets like property.

[email protected]

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